KCF Europa helpt Oekraïne

KCF Europa helpt Oekraïne

Dank zij steun van de Districten en Kiwanis Leden uit Europa

Voortgangs rapportage coordinator Oekraïne Bernard Altmann

in this email I am sending you below the link to the KCF website at Kiwanis.EU, the page has been updated in the last days by Dolores MUNIZ, Director Marketing & Communication of Kiwanis Int. in Ghent. This has only been possible through the good collaboration of the persons in charge of Kiwanis Children's Fund in Europe, Kiwanis Int. Europe and the staff of the Kiwanis International office in Ghent. I believe, that hereby we have been able to make a significant step towards making KCF better known within our individual members, but also in the outside world. Also surprised by the new design of the page, share with us your personal opinion? Your feedback is important for us for further development of the page.


These days we received a newsletter from Kiwanis International with a report about our common European KCF relief action for refugees in Ukraine. Please have also a look at this text and share it with your members and friends. It will give us one more opportunity to inform our individual members as well as non-Kiwanians about our fantastic relief action for the concerned persons.


(artikel is ook in het Nederlands te lezen)

I would like to take the opportunity to let you know that, this morning (28/03) again 2 semitrailers left Luxembourg for Ukraine via our temporary warehouse with MARELBO in Vicovu de Sus. With today's delivery of basic foodstuffs, we are perhaps able to bring a small ray of happiness for the upcoming Easter in the faces of the residents affected by the war.

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